Tag Archives: Fall 2013

Meeting Times Galore!

Alrighty dandy ROWers!

The E-board has gathered and has contacted the great spirits of General Meeting times and we have settled our blood pact! (In muggle terms: We’ve got dates and times and places for meetings!)

For General Meetings, we’ve decided to hold them at the 9pm – 11(ish)pm slot on TUESDAY nights so that those pesky classes don’t get in the way. The meetings will be held in James/Education 3112 (the room on the third floor with the stage. Veteran ROWers, you know the room). The first meeting will be held on September 10th. Mark your calendars!

In previous posts I’ve explained the idea of a Weekly Work Time meeting, where y’all (and writer friends too!) can convene in a public place (like the Barnes & Noble cafe!) and work on existing projects. Awesome, right? Because I know the biggest problem in writing is finding time to actually sit down and write among all the responsibilities and adulty things adulthood brings. Like working to get a paycheck for rent. Or buying groceries. And other adulthood things. So we are making Weekly Work Time (WWT) a weekly (duh) thing! Meet with us at the B&N cafe on FRIDAY afternoons during the University Free Period (1:45 – 3). I know y’all don’t have classes then. (Other responsibilities are okay.) These meetings are not mandatory, they’re a “come when you want/have time/have stuff you want to work on in the company of other writers” type meeting. General meetings, on the other hand, are mandatory if you want to be considered a ROW member.

E-board meetings will be held Friday afternoon at 4:30 at a super private location (Spoiler: It’s the 4th floor of the library. Usually at a table near the windows.) and are open to the ROW populace if you’d like to have a part in knowing what’s going on in the club.

Friendly Reminder: We are still looking for a Senator! If you have free time Monday nights at 7pm and would like to get involved in an e-board position, please e-mail me at goncer51@students.rowan.edu (or comment here. Or post on the Facebook page, or send word by carrier pigeon. Whatever floats your boat) to let me know!

Secondary Friendly Reminder: Please be advised that carrier pigeons are a very unreliable method of communications since they do get gobbled up by birds of prey, dogs and the distractions of modern art.

Not-So-Friendly Reminder: One day, the sun will expand until it will physically reach Venus, turning the Earth into a burnt shell of its former self.

Nerdy Friendly Reminder: That probably won’t happen for another 4 billion years. Go live life!

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Filed under General News

Happy September To All!

Welcome back ROWers!

We’ve missed you. These summer months have been lonely without you. I’m so glad to see you’re happy and healthy (and tanned) and ready for the new school year!

Returning ROWers, I hope you’ve kept your pencils sharpened cause we’ve got lots of great stuff in store for you!

New ROWers, welcome! I’m Maggie, your President and blog-runner. I’m so glad to see so many new faces. Don’t forget to read up on us in the About Us page (found just above that lovely row of books there) and we hope to see you at our next General Meeting!

On the topic of General Meetings, we’ll be announcing our calendar shortly so stay tuned!

Now, back to unpacking your boxes and frantically trying to find your books for a slightly lower price than from the bookstore and see you soon!


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